Three new greywater treatment prototypes were installed at the Faculty of Engineering. The prototypes house a photocatalytic material, namely anodic titanium dioxide nanotubes. Each prototype will serve a different role which will provide information on how best to harness the photocatalytic activity of the nanomaterials.
These units were designed and constructed by Econetique and Plastica Alfa. A research unit comprising a panel with inactive titanium plates and another panel with the anodic nanotube arrays will help identify the contribution of photocatalysis towards the inactivation of bacteria. The breadth of the technology will be assessed using the other two units. The UV LED System features a modular design which can be modified according to the quantity of water to be treated. The radiation in this unit will be provided by an array of UVA LED strips allowing for this unit to be used indoors and irrespective of the climatic conditions. A Stand Alone Greywater Treatment System has also been installed and will serve as a prototype unit which will function using solar radiation, further bolstering its environmental sustainability.
Water Treatment and Research Facility (L-R) Stand Alone Greywater Treatment System , Research Unit and Polymeric Filter System
Modular Reactors in Polymeric Filter System
Standalone Greywater Treatment System