The project was launched officially and presented to the media on the 26th of July 2018. It was highlighted that households and small enterprises making use of the photocatalytic reactor developed in the project has the potential of reducing freshwater consumption by 30%

The conference was addressed by Parliamentary Secretary for EU Funds and Social Dialogue Aaron Farrugia. Project Leader Professor Maurice Grech, described the potential impact of the project on both the water and carbon footprint and the use of technology to reduce fresh water consumption. It was explained that the project also aims to strengthen the link between academia and industry, and the application of an interdisciplinary approach to bring state-of-the-art research to the household.


University project will lead to 30% less water waste

L-Università ta’ Malta  tmexxi l-Proġett Italia-Malta ta’ 2.5m Ewro biex jittaffa n-nuqqas t’ilma  Micro WatTS

Lest li terġa’ tuża l-ilma tal-banju u tas-sinkijiet?

University of Malta to lead €2.5 million EU-funded project

€2.5m Malta-Italy project could help cut water use by 30 per cent