The Seminar for Sicilian Enterprises hosted by CNR was held at the Dimora De Mauro in Catania on the 29th January 2020.

Dr Giulana Impellizzeri welcomed all the attendees and described the importance of reducing water wastage, which is ranked second after energy in terms of urgency. Dr Marco Sambataro from the Sicilian division of the Joint Secretariat for Italia-Malta projects discussed the need for research to tackle societal and environmental challenges such as water shortage.

Ing Carmelita Gaudullo from SIDRA described the sources from which the Sicilian water supply is derived and how this is distributed. She also discussed the plans for the implementation of a double waste water system, which would serve to separate greywater from blackwater thus facilitating greywater reclamation. Prof Maurice Grech (UM) gave an overview of the MicroWatTS project and described how it can serve the industrial sector.

Dr Massimo Zimbone (CNR) discussed the different photocatalytic materials produced and studied at CNR , how these function and how these materials can be used for greywater treatment. Dr Maria Antonietta Buccheri (UniCT) presented some results which shows the extensive antibacterial activities of these materials. Dr Luciano Falqui (Plastica Alfa) presented the first preliminary design of the photocatalytic filtering systems. The seminar was concluded with a discussion session where the audience asked several questions and provided their impressions on the concept of household greywater treatment. The seminar was featured in Globus Magazine, Cinque Colonne Magazine and il Quotidiano di Sicilia amongst other prominent publications. The articles can be viewed by clicking on the links below.   An interview with Dr Giuliana Impellizzeri where she discusses the seminar and the MicroWatTS project can be viewed below.

Globus Magazine  Cinque Colonne Magazine  Il quotidiano Di Sicilia  Focus Sicilia  I-talicom

La Voce Del Quartiere   JustTivu